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Service Level Reporting in Solution Manager 7.2

Service Level Reporting with in the SAP Solution Manager

SL Reporting with in the SAP Solution Manager

The following demonstration shows how your solution support organization can use the SAP Solution Manager to control your service Level Agreements.

Press Enter to Continue.

Service Level Reporting with SAP Solution Manager

SAP Easy Access

Enter "solution_manager" and press Enter.

SAP Solution Manager: Active Solutions

Select solution "SLR Training Solution" from the list of active solutions.

SAP Solution Manager: SLR Training Solution

Carrying out an initial SL Reporting setup is the prerequisite for continuously generating Service Leave Reports. For this reason we first have to process the "Setup SL Reporting" session, running the Solution Manager in setup mode. Switch to mode "Operations Setup".

SAP Solution Manager: SLR Training Solution

Select "Solution Monitoring".

SAP Solution Manager: SLR Training Solution

Click on Setup SL Reporting" to open the Setup SLR Session.

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

You have opened the service session workbench for "Setup SL Reporting".

Start with the first check and click on "Specify SL Report".

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

In this section you can specify the name of the SL Report you want to generate. The Customizing we will make during this session will be assigned to the report name you specify. You are able to specify an unlimited number of different report names, each with its own customizing. The Solution Manager generates an SL Report for ever name. Enter "Training Report" then press Enter.

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

Click on Save.

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

Click on "General Settings".

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

Complete the customer data filling in "Germany" and press Enter.

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

Click on "Scheduling of SL Report".

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

The settings in this section decide about the point in time when the SL Report will be generated and about the reporting interval that will be covered in one report.

"week Day" represents the default day of the week when the Solution Manager schedules and processes this SL Report.

"Period" in conjunction with "Period Type" on the one hand decide about the reporting interval that will be covered in one single SL Report. On the other hand they decide about the frequency of report generation.


A period of "2" and a Period Type "Weekly" lead to an SL Report which covers two calendar weeks for reporting. The report generation. The report generation is repeated ever two weeks on the day specified under "Week Day".

Press Enter to continue.

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

Click on F4-Help of field "Week Day".

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

Select "Tuesday" as your default report generation day.

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

Click on F4-Help of field "Period Type".

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

Select "Weekly" as your default period type.

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

We customized our Training Report in a way that the SL Report is scheduled once a week on Tuesdays, covering a reporting interval of one calendar week. The reporting interval always end on the last Sunday before the day specified under "Week Day".

Click on Save.

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

Click on "Select Systems" for SL Report".

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

Here you see the list of all systems of your solution landscape. Only systems running on an Abap-kernal are displayed. Select system CT1 for reporting.

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

Select system CTK for reporting.

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

Click on Save.

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

Click on "Report Content for System CT1".

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

The report content for each system can be customized here. Select "System Configuration" to include this check in your SL Report for system CT1.

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

Click on "System Availability".

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

Here you can customize availability settings for each system. These settings include alert limits as well as critical hours for availability. Fill in a Yellow Alert Limit of 95% and press Enter.

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

Click on "Week Table".

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

In the Service Level Report you will see two availability evaluations: One standard chart for 24 hours / 7 days and another chart for critical time intervals which can be maintained here.

This table enables you to define critical intervals for your business individually for each system. Click on F4-Help of column "Time To" in line "Sunday".

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

Select "23" as last hour of the critical interval for Sunday.

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

Click on "Generate Time Table".

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

This time table is generated from the intervals you maintained in "Week Table". If desired, you can modify the critical intervals on hourly basis. For Wednesday we maintained a critical interval from 10 a.m. to 12 a.m. De-select the hour 11 from the column for Wednesday.

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

Click on Save.

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

Click on "System Performance Thresholds".

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

Here you are able to define the average dialog response time limits for system CT1.

Fill in a threshold of 1200 milliseconds for the "Average Response Time" and press Enter.

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

Click on "Select Business Processes for SL Report".

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

We see list of business processes available for this solution. The list is retrieved from the globally defined business processes of the Solution Manager. Click on "Load global Business Processes" to get an update of the current business processes for this solution.

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

Select business process "Basis Maintenance" to be analyzed.

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

Select business process "Order Processing" to be analyzed.

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

Click on Save.

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

Click on "Analysis of Business Process Basis Maintenance".

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

You can select whether you want to report on report on response time or update errors for each transaction of the business process.
You can activate the "Query"
. Select reporting on "Update Errors"

For transaction "Session_manager".

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

Click on save.

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

Click on "Definition of Alert Limits".

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

You can provide yellow and red alert limits for each single transaction that is part of the business process you defined. Fill in a "Yellow Alert Limit" of 1200 milliseconds for transaction ST03.

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

Click on Save.

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

Click on "Sl Reporting Based On BP Monitoring".

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

In this section you can include alert statistics which were collected from the Business Process Monitoring of the Solution Manager. You can decide for each of the business processes of your solution landscape, whether you want to include specific alert statics. Make sure that the "Business Process Monitoring" was configured before in the session "Setup Business Process Monitoring" and that the monitoring was activated in the process overview panel of the Solution Manager. Press Enter to continue.

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

We select both business processes available in our solution to include them in this Service Level report. Click on reporting for "Order Processing".

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

Click on Save.

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

Click on "Process Basis Maintenance".

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

This table allows you to customize which kind of alert statistics you want to include in this Service Level Report.

Select the monitoring alerts of "Dialog Performance".

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

Select "Aggregation Level".

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

You can decide about the aggregation level for alert statistic of the selected business process. Click on F4-Help.

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

Select "Week".

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

Click on Save.

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

You could repeat the same steps for business process "Order Processing".

Press Enter to get the next step.

Change Mode: Setup SL Reporting – SLR Training Solution

Click Exit to leave the session "Setup SL Reporting".

SAP Solution Manager: SLR Training Solution

Now we finished our customizing for the report "Training Report".

In the next step we are switching back to the "Operations" mode of the Solution Manager to see the Service Level Reports for our solution. Click on "Operations".

SAP Solution Manager: SLR Training Solution

Click on "Solution Monitoring".

SAP Solution Manager: SLR Training Solution

A test report is generated of the "Training Report" immediately after finished the Setup SL Reporting session for the first time. The next regular report is scheduled for the point in time specified in the Setup SL Reporting. Click on Service Level Report from the 8th of September 2004.

SAP Solution Manager

This is the HTML version of the first "Training Report". In section "Alert Overview" you can see a red alert stating "No Early Watch Alert scheduled" for both systems of our solution. This indicates that Early Watch Alert data is not yet available, since this SL Report was processed outside of the scheduled time interval. As a consequence, this SL Reporting is empty and we have to wait for the next regular one. Click on Back.

SAP Solution Manager: SLR Training Solution

You see the same service report overview panel as before, with the difference that 6 days have passed by. You can see that the first Service Level Report of the regular time schedule has been processed on the 14th of September and the next SLR has been scheduled for the 21st. select the service Level Report from the 14th of September 2004.

SAP Solution Manager

This is the HTML version of the Training Report. Press Enter to continue.

SAP Solution Manager

The alert overview of this report displays all critical ratings for all systems included in the SL Reporting. Click on Back.

SAP Solution Manager: SLR Training Solution

You can access the session workbench of each individual SLR session from within the overview panel for Service Level Reporting. Click on the pencil icon to open the SLR session from the 14th of September 2004.

Change Mode: SL Reporting - SLR Training Solution

Now you have opened the session workbench of the last SL Report. The checks you find here coincide with the chapters of the report document. Click on "System Overview and Alerts".

Change Mode: SL Reporting - SLR Training Solution

Select "Alert Overview".

Change Mode: SL Reporting - SLR Training Solution

You can find the same ratings of the alert overview which we already saw in the HTML document of this SL Report. Click on Back to leave the workbench.

SAP Solution Manager: SLR Training Solution

If desired, you can generate a Word document of your SL Reporting, using the W icon on the overview panel. Click on the W icon to generate a Word file for the SL Report of the 14th September.

SAP Solution Manager: SLR Training Solution

After finishing the Word report a new icon appears. The paperclip icon indicates that the Word file is already for use. Click on the paperclip icon to open the Word file.

SAP Solution Manager

Click on "Report".

SAP Solution Manager

The Service Level Report is displayed in Word format. Press Enter to finish this tutorial.


You have now completed this session. Press Enter to exit the tutorial.

Service Level Reporting in Solution Manager 7.2
