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Give Me Liberty Seagull Fifth Edition Eric Foner Chapter 19

Course Description

For the official Course Description, Course Objectives, and Course Rationale, see the ACC History Department web site at:

History Department Webpage.

This course covers the period in American history from the end of the Civil War to the present day.  To make sense of such a sweeping view of history, the class will concentrate on three distinct but interrelated periods:

1865-1920, 1920-1945, 1945-1968, 1968-present.

There will be exams covering the material from each of these periods.  (See Exams below)

The subtitle of this course is An Interpretive History of Life in America, 1865-present.  The name was chosen for a reason.  Despite having a reputation of being nothing more than a mess of names, dates, and places, history is, first and foremost, about people and how they lived their lives.  It is about the factors that shaped their existence and the choices they made.  Any attempt to write about the past, however, is fraught with danger, because a serious question always looms:  how do we know that what we are writing is correct?  The obvious answer is, we do not, and cannot, always know the correct answer.  But we generally can make good guesses, often very perceptive ones.  Consequently, history reflects one's interpretation of the past.  Whether you are a professional historian or not, each individual makes her or his own choice about what in history is important to her or him.  The purpose of this course is to provide students with a useful framework from which to interpret some of the important themes on life in America's past between the years 1865 and the present day.

Required Reading

The text for this course is:

Eric Foner, Give Me Liberty! An American History , Seagull, vol. 2, 5th edition (New York: Norton, 2017). ISBN 978-0-393-92031-4

Woodrow Wilson, Why We are at War (will be provided by Instructor)

Woodrow Wilson, Fourteen Points (will be provided by Instructor)

Students can purchase the text for this and all other ACC courses at theACC Bookstore

NOTE: If you order your book on line and it arrives late, you are still responsible for all course deadlines on theCourse Schedule, including exams. So be sure to have your book on time for all exams. Remember, the text book is available on reserve at the HLC library just in case.

Most class meetings will have a reading assignment. See the course outline for the reading assignments. It is essential to complete the assigned reading prior to each class. The reading is designed to provide you with the background necessary to understand the lectures. Lectures will build on the material in Give Me Liberty!  and NOT merely repeat the same information.


Class attendance is crucial. The bulk of the material on which students will be tested is contained in the lectures. Students cannot expect to pass the course with only a knowledge of the information in the textbook. To do well in the course, students must: come to class, participate in discussion, and take thorough notes.

NOTE:  Students who stop attending classmust fill out the necessary paperwork to withdraw from the course.  The instructor will not. If you stop attending class and you do not properly withdraw from the course, then youwill receive an F for the course.

Attendance Certification

WARNING: New Federal Financial Aid reporting guidelines require the College to report students who "never attend" a course. ACC in turn requires faculty to report students who "never attended" by the Official Reporting Date. The Official Reporting Date happens very early in the semester.

Students who are marked "never attended" will be withdrawn from the course! Be sure to come to the first class or contact me via email to ensure that you do not get withdrawn.

    Any student who misses the first class OR who does not contact me via email by Jan. 28 will be WITHDRAWN.

See the ACC Registration Calendar  for the Official Reporting Dates. Please see the ACC Financial Aid  office for questions about your financial aid and how the new policy might affect your financial aid status. So, make sure that you come to class.:)


There are only three rules for this course:  1.) be on time; 2.) stay awake; and 3.) turn off all pagers, cell phones, and tape recorders, etc., BEFORE entering class.  The instructor reserves the right to withdraw any student who fails to abide by the course rules.

Discussion – 100 pts

All students are encouraged to participate in class discussions on a regular basis. "PARTICIPATING" DOES NOT MEAN GIVING THE "RIGHT" ANSWERS; IT MEANS THINKING ABOUT THE MATERIAL AND SHARING YOUR THOUGHTS. Students will be expected to review the Focus Questions for each chapter as well as some documents and images found in Course Materials in the course Blackboard page. You can find the Focus Questions at the top of each chapter inGive Me Liberty. Students will receive a discussion grade for each class meeting. The instructor will determine the merits of class participation.

Combined,Discussion equals the value of oneUnit Exam toward your final grade.

Chapter Quizzes – 100 pts

Students will take 14 quizzes, one for each chapter of Foner, Give Me Liberty ! An American History . Each Chapter Quiz is available via the courseBlackboard page. The Chapter Quizzesmust be doneno later than the beginning of classon the date the Chapter is listed in the Course Schedule .

If the quiz is submitted after1:00 pmon the date the Chapter Quiz is due in the Course Schedule , it will be treated as a "late." The highest score you can receive on a late quiz is 18/25 (72%).

The deadline for all late quizzes is the deadline for the 4th Exam. If you do not complete any quiz by the deadline for the 4th Exam, you will receive a 0 for each missing quiz. No quizzes will be accepted after the deadline for the 4th Exam listed in the Course Schedule .


  • take  the quizzes as soon as the semester begins. All of the exams are available via the courseBlackboard page. So you can begin taking exams right away;
  • earn  maximum points by taking a quiz by the deadline. You can earn up to 25/25 points if you complete the quiz by the deadline listed in the Course Schedule ;
  • take  the quizzes after the deadline. If you take a quizafter1:00 pmon the deadline dates listed on the Course Schedule , the quiz will count as a "late." The highest score you can earn on a late quiz is 18/30 (72%).

And, you must complete all quizzes by the deadline for Exam 4. No quizzes will be accepted after the deadline for the 3rd Essay listed in the Course Schedule .

Each chapter has a twenty-five (25) question multiple-choice quiz that draws from the Focus Questions at the beginning of each chapter in Give Me Liberty!. Students can find a wide range of links available on the courseBlackboard page to help them prepare for the Textbook Chapter Quizzes.

Combined, theaverage on theTextbook Chapter Quizzes equals the value of oneUnit Exam toward your final grade.

Exams – 400 points (100 pts Each)

Students will take fourExams. Each exam will cover a separate chronological period:

1877-1915, 1915-1945, 1945-1968 and 1968-Present.

There will NOT be a comprehensive "final" exam. The last exam will test for the material covered since the third exam.

EachExam will have 25 multiple-choice questions.

The exams test your ability to analyze the information contained in the textbook, documents, and the class lectures. Memorization will NOT be enough. In order to demonstrate your knowledge of the course materials, you must be able to identify the best answer to each multiple-choice question.

See the Course Schedule  for the dates of eachExam.


Students who fail either of the first two exams will have the opportunity to retest. All retests must be arranged with the instructor and must be taken by the date specified by the instructor. The highest grade that can be earned on a  retest is a 18/25 or 72%. Students may NOT use the retest to make up an exam.

Retests will be given at the Highland Testing Center.  For hours, see the ACC Testing Centers  or call:  223-3164. And you MUST have an ACC ID  before you can take an exam at one of the ACC Testing Centers .

Make-Up Exams

Students who cannot attend class the day an exam is given may have the opportunity to take a make-up exam. Students must contact the instructor BEFORE the scheduled date of the exam to arrange for a make-up exam. ONLY STUDENTS WHO RECEIVE PERMISSION FROM THE INSTRUCTOR MAY TAKE A MAKE-UP EXAM. See the Course Schedule  for the date when you take a make-up exam.

All make-up exams for each of the first three exams will be given at the Highland Testing Center.  THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS POLICY.  For hours, see the ACC Testing Centers  or call:  223-3164. Remember, you MUST have an ACC ID  before you can take an exam at one of the ACC Testing Centers .

Research Project – 100 pts

TheResearch Project is required for those students who desire a grade of B or better.  If you do NOT complete theResearch Project the highest grade that you can receive is a C. Additionally, completion of theFinal Draft does NOT automatically guarantee a grade of B or better. TheResearch Project is comprised of a:Respondent Choice,Interview/Topic Page (10 pts),Annotated Bibliography(15 pts),Outline (25 pts) , andFinal Draft(50 pts).

Combined, theResearchProject equals oneUnit Examscore.

Please see the Course Schedule  for the dates by which you must submit your:Respondent,Recorded Interview, Topic Page,Annotated Bibliography,Outline, andFinal Draft.

The Research Project  will require a sustained effort over the entire semester.  See theResearch Project guidelines for completing a successful research paper.


To earn an A:

·       You must average at least 90% on the:

  • 14 Textbook Chapter Quizzes (100 pts)
  • Discussion (100 pts)
  • Four (4) Unit Exams, and (400 pts)
  • Completed research paper (100 pts)

To earn a B:

·       You must average at least 80% on the:

  • 14 Textbook Chapter Quizzes (100 pts)
  • Discussion (100 pts)
  • Four (4) Unit Exams, and (400 pts)
  • Completed research paper (100 pts)

To earn a C:

·       You must average at least 70% on the:

  • 14 Textbook Chapter Quizzes, and (100 pts)
  • Discussion (100 pts)
  • Four (4) Unit Exams (400 pts)

To earn a D:

There will be no grade of D given in this class.

To earn an F:

You average less than 70% on the:

  • 14 Textbook Chapter Quizzes, and (100 pts)
  • Discussion (100 pts)
  • Four (4) Unit Exams (400 pts)

Course Policies


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) protects the privacy and confidentiality of educational records.  So, to protect your privacy grades will not be given out over the phone, through a fellow student, or via e-mail.

Use of ACC email

ACC sends all email communication solely to the student's ACCmail account and expects students to read the messages in a timely manner. So that means all important information and emergency details will go only to your ACCmail . Students should expect to receive from, and send email to, their instructors from their ACCmail account. To set up an account, students can go to ACCmail  for instructions.

Student Accessibility Services

Each Austin Community College campus offers support services for students with documented physical or psychological disabilities. Students with disabilities must request reasonable accommodations through Student Accessibility Services  on the campus where they expect to take a majority of their classes.  Students are encouraged to do this three weeks before the start of the semester.

Student Support  Services

Resources to support you are available at every campus:

  • Food pantries are available at all campus Student Life offices (
  • Assistance paying for childcare or utility bills is available at any campus Support Center (
  • For sudden, unexpected expenses that may cause you to withdraw from one or more of your courses, go to to request emergency assistance through the Student Emergency Fund.
  • Help with budgeting for college and family life is available through the Student Money Management Office (
  • Counselors are available at any campus if you experience a personal or mental health concern (  All services are free and confidential.

Scholastic Dishonesty

WARNING:  Scholastic dishonesty will NOT be tolerated.  Acts prohibited by the College for which discipline may be administered include scholastic dishonesty, included but not limited to cheating on an exam or quiz, plagiarizing, and unauthorized collaboration with another in preparing outside work. Academic work is defined as, but not limited to tests, quizzes, whether taken electronically or on paper; projects, either individual or group; classroom presentations, and homework. Any student guilty of scholastic dishonesty will automatically receive an F in the course and be remanded to the appropriate Austin Community College authorities for disciplinary action. See the ACC Student Handbook for details on scholastic dishonesty.


Incompletes will be given ONLY with a medical excuse certified by a physician.  All incompletes MUST be completed within the first four weeks of the following session.  THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS POLICY.


Student Withdrawals:

Students may withdraw from the course for academic reasons.  Withdrawals must be completed according to the guidelines of Austin Community College.  See the ACC Catalog  procedures for withdrawing from a class and the Course Schedule  for the deadline by which you must withdraw from a class.  Students may also withdraw from the course for non-academic reasons.  Once again, see the guidelines in the ACC Catalog  for details and the Course Schedule  for the deadline by which you must withdraw from a class.

Instructor Withdrawals:

The instructor willNOT withdraw students for failing to fulfill any of the course requirements, see above.  Instead, students will receive a grade based on their performance in the course.  Students who fail to fulfill any of the course requirements will receive a F.  Therefore, if a student registers for a course it is the student's responsibility to satisfy the course requirements.  If "life happens" and you cannot finish the course, be sure to withdraw.  Once again, see the guidelines in the ACC Catalog  for details and the Course Schedule  for the deadline by which you must withdraw from a class. Please see the ACC Financial Aid  office for how a withdrawal might affect your financial aid status.

Office Hours

It is essential that students and the instructor make a concerted effort to maintain open lines of communication.  In other words, talk to me.:)  Problems generally are easier to solve BEFORE they happen.  You are encouraged to discuss any questions you may have regarding the course, the material, and your performance.  To that end, I have scheduled time to meet with students.  My office hours are listed at the top of page 1 of this Course Syllabus .  If those times do not fit your schedule, please feel free to make an appointment.  You may also contact me via e-mail at: .  I do have one request.  If you make an appointment, please make every effort to keep that appointment.

Safety Statement

ACC is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for study and work. Students are expected to learn and to comply with ACC environmental, health, and safety procedures and to follow ACC safety policies. See the Environmental Health and Safety  link for more details. The College also asks that each student become familiar with the Emergency Procedures and Campus Safety Plan map in each classroom. See ACC Emergency Alerts  to sign up for electronic notices in the event of a serious emeergency.

Campus Carry

The Austin Community College District concealed handgun policy ensures compliance with section 411.2031 of the Texas Government Code (also known as the Campus Carry Law ), while maintaining ACC's commitment to provide a safe environment for students, faculty, staff, visitors. Beginning August 1, 2017, individuals who are licensed to carry (LTC), and activities prohibited by state or federal law, for the call just concealed handgun policy. It is the responsibility license holders to conceal their handguns at all times. Persons who see a gun on campus are asked to contact the ACC Police Department by dialing 222 from campus phone or 512-233-7999.

Be sure to watch ACC's Campus Carry Video on yourACC Blackboard page.

Building Regulations

ACC regulations prohibit smoking, nicotine vapor products and devices (such as electronic cigarettes) and smokeless tobacco products, drinking, and eating in classrooms.

Student's Classroom Responsibilities

The purpose of this course is to acquaint you with the history of America from Reconstruction following the Civil War to the present day.  You will be responsible for learning a considerable amount of information in a short period of time.  You must demonstrate on your exams that you can analyze what you have learned.  I will do my best to give you every opportunity to learn.  In return, I ask that you give yourself the opportunity to do the same.

Consequently, I ask that students are expected to follow all of the requirements the ACCStudent Standards of Conduct  so that their actions:

  • Reflect the highest level of honesty and integrity
  • Are civil, courteous, and respectful of all members of the campus community, their property, and the College
  • Support the smooth and unimpeded delivery of knowledge in the classroom and in coursework
  • Encourage responsibility and prohibits the unlawful use of alcohol, illicit drugs, or other substances, and weapons
  • Promote mutual respect, equality, and safety of its members and oppose those asked to harass, intimidate, or haze its members

Bring an open mind; listen to the instructor and, especially, your classmates. Think critically about everything discussed in class. The free exchange of information and ideas is vital to the pursuit of learning.


The instructor reserves the right to all lecture materials, handouts, and interpretations presented in class, and any said materials may not be reproduced in any form without the express, written consent of the instructor.

© David Marcus Lauderback, 2019 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Required Reading

The text for this course is:

Eric Foner, Give Me Liberty! An American History  Seagull, vol. 2, 5th edition (New York: Norton, 2017). ISBN 978-0-393-92031-4

Woodrow Wilson, Why We are at War (will be provided by Instructor)

Woodrow Wilson, Fourteen Points (will be provided by Instructor)

Students can purchase the text for this and all other ACC courses at the ACC Bookstore

NOTE: If you order your book on line and it arrives late, you are still responsible for all course deadlines on the Course Schedule, including exams. So be sure to have your book on time for all exams. Remember, the text book is available on reserve at the HLC library just in case.

Most class meetings will have a reading assignment.  See the course outline for the reading assignments.  It is essential to complete the assigned reading prior to each class.  The reading is designed to provide you with the background necessary to understand the lectures.  Lectures will build on the material in Give Me Liberty! and NOT merely repeat the same information.

Give Me Liberty Seagull Fifth Edition Eric Foner Chapter 19
